G-B767 Replica Throttle
- USB plug and play.
- 1:1 Scale.
- Parts made from back engineering a real B767 unit.
- Backlit panels.
- All mechanical features included like arming of ground spoilers, reverser idle detent and reverse operation.
- Annunciators ready to be hooked up to your favourite I/O card.
Price: $1,799.99USD (+Shipping and handling)
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To get more information about this G-B767 Replica Throttle:
Contact UsFeatures:
- Heavy realistic feel.
- Independent thrust levers.
- Flaps detents positions based on the real unit.
- Auto throttle disconnect switches.
- Throttle is not mothorized.
- Designed by a real airline pilot, tested by real airline pilots.
- Backup trim switch.
- All knobs casted out of the real parts.
- Full tutorials and support.